March 23, 2016

Монголоос бусад нь импортын татвараа буулгаж байна даа. Ингээд л би байдаггүй гэдэг шиг ...

Хятадын нүүрсний чиглэлээр судалгаа хийдэг china coal resource вэбсайтад дараах мэдээлэл гарчээ. Индонез Хятадтай гэрээтэй гээд татвар төлдөггүй, Австрали саяхан чөлөөт худалдааны гэрээ байгуулаад татвар төлөхөө больсон. АНУ-с Хятад руу угаасаа нүүрс ирэхээ больсон. Канадаас ирдэг хэмжээ нь бага, тэгээд ч гол зах зээл нь хятад биш. Гэтэл манайх Хятадаас өөр экспортлох газаргүй байж ... Төр засгийнхан маань юу бодож суудаг юм бол доо. Russia, China to discuss coal quality check at Russian ports Russia, one major coal exporter to China, is expected to set up work team with Chinese counterparts to discuss the quality check of export coal at Russian ports before shipping to China, Russia media reported, citing one senior energy official. The move is to address declining coal exports to China, resulting mainly from import tariff and quality checks imposed by the Chinese government last year, said Alexander Novak, Minister of Russia Energy Ministry, during his visit to China early this month. Russia’s coal exports to China have slumped, following China’s reimposition of import tariffs of 3-6% on the commodity from October 15, 2014. China presently levies 3% import tariffs for anthracite coal and coking coal, 6% for non-coking bituminous coal, mostly thermal coal for power generation, and 3% on coal-quality lignite. It was said Russia has been in talks with China to cancel import tariffs on coal except for lignite, sources said. Chinese customs data showed Russia was still the third-largest coal supplier to China in 2015, with thermal coal exports at 9.8 million tonnes to China, though down 35.39% on year. In 2014, Russia exported a total 14.16 million tonnes of thermal coal to China, up 13.79% on year. Russia has proved coal reserves of 20 billion tonnes, half of which could be mined through opencast operation, and forecast reserves at 354.7 billion tonnes.

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